It’s a century!
Yes! the Hybrid Model Portfolio is up 100% in almost a year!
The performance is outstanding!
It’s been smooth ride over the last 11 months!
The performance is commendable give the fact that…
- I have had large exposure to large & mid-caps & a few quality small caps. I have completely avoided small & micro caps.
- I also had over 15% of the portfolio in cash for so many months.
Had I been more aggressive, I’m sure the performance would have been far better but the risk would also be higher. Nonetheless, I’m very happy with the performance.
One thing I love about the Hybrid Approach is that it’s very low maintenance! You’re not required to be sitting in front of a computer the whole day! Nor do you need highly expensive software & tools to manage the portfolio.
You can easily manage your portfolio with just 10-15 minutes each day/month if there are any opportunities. You can continue with your day job or business or any activity of your liking!
Anyway, let’s have a look at the actual 10 stock model portfolio established based on the Hybrid Investing Approach!

The total portfolio equity at the end of the week stands at an all-time high at Rs. 28,66,298.27 ( 24,45,572 + 4,20,726.27). Overall, the Hybrid Model Portfolio absolute returns stand strong at 100.44% since inception on 30/06/2020 on a total investment of Rs. 14,30,000.
The Nifty has risen by 53.36% during the same period while the broader Nifty 500 is up by 60%. The Hybrid Model portfolio has handily beaten both indices.
The portfolio has no doubt performed very well, it’s very important to have your feet grounded. If we let ourselves get carried away in euphoria, we might end up badly bruised!
So please keep your portfolio risk under check!
Have a great weekend!
A gentle reminder!
Your 50% discount on the Hybrid Approach Guidebook ends in 3 days! Just so you know, this is the lowest price I have ever offered. From 15/06/2021 onwards, the normal price will be more than double what you’d be paying now.
If you’re interested, but you haven’t had the chance to sign up, now is the time to pull the trigger!
Here’s the discount link:
If you have any questions, write me an email at
All the best!