We take a pause this week!
The markets have been all around the place during the week!
Our Hybrid Model Portfolio also has suffered but not that much!
Hybrid Approach helps us to take advantage of both Momentum & Mean Reversion characteristics of stocks.
What I simply do is establish a core position of 10 stocks based on Dual Momentum Monthly Rotational Strategy and Scale-in and out of core positions based on my Mean Reversion Strategies so as to reduce our net costs and thus reduce risk.
Here’s the real-time snapshot of the actual 10 stock model portfolio established based on the DYR Hybrid Strategy.

Total portfolio equity at the end of the week stands at Rs. 23,44,527.77 (19,37,350.3 + 4,07,177.47), around 2% down from the all-time high made last week. Overall, the Hybrid Model Portfolio absolute returns stand strong at 63.95% since inception on 30/06/2020. Cash as % of the portfolio remains at around 17.36%.
Here’re the trade statistics of the Hybrid Model Portfolio so far…

So far I have done 39 trades in the last 9 months. The important metric to look at is the payoff ratio or average win/loss ratio. What payoff ratio shows is that how much on average you gained as compared to how much on average you lost. As you can see that we made more than 6.39 times the average loss.
The ratio will normalize over a period of time but if we’re able to maintain the ratio at 3 times the average loss, we are on a strong footing.
We can see that we’re on the right track.
Have a great week ahead!